Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Remolcadores Construccion.Naval Industria.Naval Astilleros. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Remolcadores Construccion.Naval Industria.Naval Astilleros. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Lo ultimo en tecnología aplicada a la ingenieria naval con el "Edda Fides"

Edda Fides
Muchas gracias amigo José por dar a conocer nuestra industria naval, con esta divulgación aportamos nuestro granito de arena y apoyamos nuestra industria naval. Que se lo merece por su buen hacer y por sus aplicaciones en la alta tecnología a sus nuevas construcciones de la industria naval, somos un referente muy importante en el mundo de la ingeniera naval y tenemos que seguir así, para las presentes y para nuevas generaciones futuras, que son las que sostendrán nuestra construcción naval.


Thank you friend José by making known our shipbuilding with this disclosure contribute our bit and support our shipbuilding industry. That it deserves by its good making your applications in the high technology to its new buildings of the shipbuilding industry, we are a very important landmark worldwide naval engineer and we must continue, for the present and future generations, which are which will sustain our shipbuilding.

sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

La Naval entrega el buque Simon

El astillero sestaoarra La Naval ha entregado el buque 'Simon Stevin' a su cliente, el armador belga Jan de Nul. El barco es un buque Fall Pipe, de 32.500 toneladas de peso muerto, destinado principalmente a depositar piedras en el fondo marino para cubrir zanjas, cables y gaseoductos a una profundidad máxima de 1.700 metros.

Según informó el astillero en un comunicado, el buque dispone sobre la cubierta de dos cántaras en las que transporta las piedras de un diámetro de hasta 400 mm. El barco dispone de un módulo central muy sofisticado, encargado de unir tramos de tubería y hacerla descender hasta el fondo marino.

La Naval entrega el buque Simon

El astillero sestaoarra La Naval ha entregado el buque 'Simon Stevin' a su cliente, el armador belga Jan de Nul. El barco es un buque Fall Pipe, de 32.500 toneladas de peso muerto, destinado principalmente a depositar piedras en el fondo marino para cubrir zanjas, cables y gaseoductos a una profundidad máxima de 1.700 metros.

Según informó el astillero en un comunicado, el buque dispone sobre la cubierta de dos cántaras en las que transporta las piedras de un diámetro de hasta 400 mm. El barco dispone de un módulo central muy sofisticado, encargado de unir tramos de tubería y hacerla descender hasta el fondo marino.

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Patrullera CABALEIRO A19 Guardia Civil

Patrol Spanish Civil Guard
General technical features of the series

Length 30 meters

Beam 5.90 meters

3.40 meters Draft

2 Carterpillar Motors C30

Power 3100 hp

Displacement 85 tonnes

Propellers 2 hydrojets Hamilton

Maximum Speed 35 knots

Range 650 miles

Fuel 10,500 liters

Crew 10 people


Safeguarding the State Attorney.

Prevention and suppression of smuggling.

Ensuring and protecting archaeological sites and marine goods and other objects on the sea that make up the National Trust.

Nature conservation and environment.

Emigration and immigration.

Prevention and investigation of crime, public order and public safety and security of staff and facilities at sea, coasts and ports.

Providing aid in cases of serious risk or maritime disaster.

Control of weapons and explosives.

Custody of coasts and harbors.

Ensuring compliance with laws and general provisions, executing the order issued by the authorities in their respective areas of competence.
Those which, in its scope for action, and the means available may be mandated.

Patrullera CABALEIRO A19 Guardia Civil

Patrol Spanish Civil Guard
General technical features of the series

Length 30 meters

Beam 5.90 meters

3.40 meters Draft

2 Carterpillar Motors C30

Power 3100 hp

Displacement 85 tonnes

Propellers 2 hydrojets Hamilton

Maximum Speed 35 knots

Range 650 miles

Fuel 10,500 liters

Crew 10 people


Safeguarding the State Attorney.

Prevention and suppression of smuggling.

Ensuring and protecting archaeological sites and marine goods and other objects on the sea that make up the National Trust.

Nature conservation and environment.

Emigration and immigration.

Prevention and investigation of crime, public order and public safety and security of staff and facilities at sea, coasts and ports.

Providing aid in cases of serious risk or maritime disaster.

Control of weapons and explosives.

Custody of coasts and harbors.

Ensuring compliance with laws and general provisions, executing the order issued by the authorities in their respective areas of competence.
Those which, in its scope for action, and the means available may be mandated.

Patrullera CABALEIRO A19 Guardia Civil

Patrol Spanish Civil Guard
General technical features of the series

Length 30 meters

Beam 5.90 meters

3.40 meters Draft

2 Carterpillar Motors C30

Power 3100 hp

Displacement 85 tonnes

Propellers 2 hydrojets Hamilton

Maximum Speed 35 knots

Range 650 miles

Fuel 10,500 liters

Crew 10 people


Safeguarding the State Attorney.

Prevention and suppression of smuggling.

Ensuring and protecting archaeological sites and marine goods and other objects on the sea that make up the National Trust.

Nature conservation and environment.

Emigration and immigration.

Prevention and investigation of crime, public order and public safety and security of staff and facilities at sea, coasts and ports.

Providing aid in cases of serious risk or maritime disaster.

Control of weapons and explosives.

Custody of coasts and harbors.

Ensuring compliance with laws and general provisions, executing the order issued by the authorities in their respective areas of competence.
Those which, in its scope for action, and the means available may be mandated.

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

Remolcador Doctor Pintado de Remolcadores Nosa Terra Vigo


GROSS TONNAGE 120 tons SUMMER DWT 69 tons BUILD 1970

Remolcadores Nosa Terra Vigo España

Remolcador Doctor Pintado de Remolcadores Nosa Terra Vigo


GROSS TONNAGE 120 tons SUMMER DWT 69 tons BUILD 1970

Remolcadores Nosa Terra Vigo España

Remolcador Doctor Pintado de Remolcadores Nosa Terra Vigo


GROSS TONNAGE 120 tons SUMMER DWT 69 tons BUILD 1970

Remolcadores Nosa Terra Vigo España

Buque científico y de investigación para Holanda, constuido por Armon.

Buque científico de investigación de nombre Anna Weber-Van Bosse Astilleros Armón Vigo, S.A. V-147 - 79,97 m de Eslora Armador: NIOZ – ...